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All in the Family with Barbara Norteña

Introducing Edgar Ramirez of Barba Norteña, his brand established in 2011, embraces his Mexican roots, love of northern music, ranching, Stetson and the fruits of honest work.

Edgar’s abuelo wearing his Stetson in the 1960’s.

Edgar’s family immigrated to the United States from Durango, Mexico when he was 4 years old. Their roots stem from agriculture and ranching beginning from his grandfather’s land and cattle. Once in Dos Palos, California, Edgar’s father started work in farming and ranching as well. He’s been at the same ranch now for 35 years. This meant childhood for young Edgar and his brothers meant playing in the irrigation ditches, the cotton, the melons, and tomato fields. A limitless childhood full of adventures. As the brothers grew up they formed a family band called, Arrendadores and the tour life began from ages 21-28.

“My career as a traveling musician came to an end at age 28. As a creative, I needed an outlet to share all of the thoughts that live in my mind. This led to the beginning of Barba Norteña. When I started the brand I had no idea where to begin all I knew was that I wanted to create a brand that showcased my beliefs and passions. Having grown up in the United States while also having the privilege of visiting my hometown in Mexico, I realized I wanted to honor both cultures. I started designing t-shirts, then baseball caps, then cut and sew, then before I knew it, Barba Norteña was full blown clothing brand! I learned how to source materials, how to run payroll, create an e-commerce website all the while I changed diapers and fed our firstborn, Isabel Arlette.”


“I was still working from our living room when our daughter Isabel was born, during her naps I would run the business and package online orders. She’s almost 5 now and is starting kindergarten in August. Now with a small office and warehouse where we print and package our online orders, I have a new helper, our son Emiliano, he was born in September and gets to come to work with dad. During his naps, I run the business, as usual, emails, designing, meetings, photo shoots, etc. When he’s up I feed him, change his diaper and we get to play and crawl around the office. It’s not easy but I enjoy it. My wife is very supportive, she has her career and fulltime job and together we make it work. I’m a hands-on dad and step up no matter what the situation to take care of my family.”


“I learned my love of family and hard work ethic from my grandfather. He was the sweetest man I have ever known. He passed away in May 2010. He loved ranching with all of his heart and his dream was to retire after 40+ years, move back to Mexico and continue to work with land and cattle. He was not able to fulfill his biggest dream and so I honor his legacy every day within the brand and our designs. The Ganadero x Stetson Collection is in his honor and memory. Although he did not have the opportunity to meet his great-grandchildren or see the success of the brand, I know he would be so proud.”

“De mi abuelo aprendí amar a mi familia, trabajar duro y de manera honesta. Fue el hombre más tierno que he conocido. Falleció el mes de mayo del año 2010 en un accidente mientras trabajaba. Le apasionaba la vida de rancho y su sueño era regresar a México para cuidar de sus tierras y animales. No tuvo la oportunidad de realizarlo y es por eso que me llena de orgullo honrar su legado en cada uno de nuestros diseños.”

“La Colección Ganadero X Stetson es en memoria y honor a él. Estoy seguro que aunque no tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a sus bisnietos o ver el éxito de la marca, sé que desde el cielo está sumamente orgulloso.”
